Wednesday 13 October 2010

Dorset Buttons, Wednesday 13th. October

Thank you very much to Bryn for introducing (or re-introducing) us to Dorset Buttons this evening.  These intricate and attractive buttons are made by forming a base of blanket stitch around a ring of metal, plastic or bone, then forming "spokes" of yarn and weaving in and around to fill the centre of the ring.  This is a perfect way of making unique buttons to complement garments of handspun yarn.

For more information, see   and  and of course, the British Button Society .

The process proved so intriguing that we scarcely had time to do any of the freeform knitting which Rosie had promised to show us in the second half of the evening - another time, perhaps?

We were also very pleased to welcome no fewer than three new members, and hope to see them often in the future.  Thank you very much to Rosie and J-M. for the tea, and especially for the cake.

Hard at work...

A selection of suitable rings for button making

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