Monday 9 May 2011

Guild Day, Sunday 8th. May

This was to be another of our weaving days, but since few of us are weaving at the moment, it turned into a Guild meeting day with the emphasis on spinning.  However, two table looms and a peg loom made an appearance and were in use, and the guild inkle loom has found a new home for a while.  Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, so there are no pictures to prove that we did any work at all.
As usual, guild members brought a variety of fibres to spin - dyed and undyed; wool and alpaca.  The weaving projects consisted of a warp-faced woollen rug (on the peg loom), a paper-based piece for a printmakers' project and a gorgeous space-dyed bouclĂ© yarn project, which might turn out to be a stole or a scarf.
Our shared lunch went down very well, and we are hoping to have more full day meetings in the future.

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