Monday 15 April 2013

The Abergele Guild is on Facebook!

I tried to think of a snappy title for this post but failed, as you can see. 
Despite reservations (do we need a blog and a Facebook page?  do I really want to spend even more time on the Internet than I do already?)  we have decided to join Facebook.  The link to our nice new page is at the top of the Links section on the right.  You may also click here while this post is in view, although of course it will work its' way down the screen and eventually fall off at the bottom. I haven't discovered how to put one of those blue Facebook buttons on this (Google) blog, but maybe there's a way.
The page has been running for 24 hours, and has already attracted a lot of traffic.  The poor old national Association of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers had only had 15 "likes" in three and a half months when I visited their page yesterday - if we carry on at the rate we are doing we will pass that in less than a week.  However, I hope that people visiting our site will also see what the Association are up to on their page.
So we hope that our venture into the world of social networking will raise our profile and that of our craft, and may also attract some visitors - and even some new members?

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