Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A windy evening in October

Autumn has set in now and the evenings are dark, although it is still surprisingly warm for October.  The wind was roaring along when we met in Abergele on Monday.  Attendance was excellent despite the weather, and we also had three visitors who were intrigued to see what we were all doing.
Plans are afoot for our Friendship Day in April, which inaugurates our 30th anniversary.  We are also thinking about a new felt banner to replace the old one, which is showing signs of wear.  Jenny F. has kindly donated a felted fleece for the background, and Krithia and Helen have been asked to lend their experience in feltmaking to get things going.
Thanks to all who attended, and thanks to Val and Jenny for the cake!  Thanks also to Helen for taking the photographs.

Merino & silk (I think) and drop spindles.


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